Workshop Reminder Saturday 22nd
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Workshop Reminder

this Saturday 22nd June
10am - 2pm
Mixed Media $150

This is your quick reminder about our upcoming
mixed media workshop
We will be...
...learning how to stencil using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint - techniques and tricks to make your stencil look amazing. The aim is to give you some skills and ideas about how you can decorate and make your furniture into works of art. And your walls... and whatever you can think of really!

...converting a flowerpot into a vintage statement, using Iron Orchid Designs air dry clay, moulds, stamps and Annie Sloan Chalk Paint.

A yummy lunch and all materials are provided.
You don't need to bring anything except your wonderful self. 

See you there!

Shabby chic your flower pots!
Moulds using air dry clay
Stencil your floor...walls... anything!
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PO Box 64
10 Coolman St
Tyalgum NSW 2484

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