Winter Warmers

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Before we get into talking about COLOUR, I wanted to share a little excitement....Somewhere in the Sunshine is getting a facelift! OOOOOO!! It's too exciting! Since the fire last year, that took out my usual place of creativity and painting wonderment, Sunshine has been relocated to the marketta area in the garden at Flutterbies Cafe, just up the road from where I was. (It's great - right next to the coffee area :) It was truly the hand of God lifting me out of a toxic situation of asbestos and burning heritage buildings :(
Thankyou Flutterbies.
Anyhoo, while Covid 19 has forced the world into lockdown, we have taken the opportunity to transform what was, into a totally gorgeous space for me to work.. and play.. and talk to you about Chalk Paint! More space and totally vintage. The exact timing of the reopening is still not entirely known, but we're aiming for the next week or have to come!!  We'll be having a glass or two to celebrate and you're invited! I will post an invite when the date is set. Too exciting! Did I say I'm excited?'s time to talk about COLOUR

I know. I know what you're want whatever you're painting to go with everything in the room... or you're painting for someone else and they want it white....

Well, that's perfectly OK. Old White is the most popular paint we sell...because it goes with EVERYTHING!! Neutrals go with everything - black, white, grey -  mix and match with your pillows, drapes, bedding - everything...I get it. some point, you won't be able to resist the rest of the colours in the Annie Sloan Chalk Paint range...because the colours she has made are sooo beautiful. They are inspired by her travels around the world and her love of the history of places like France, Italy and Scandanavia. They make you want to paint something. They're exotic! The richness and elegance of these colours makes you want to find the perfect piece to show off that know, that one you've had your eye on. Once you break the neutral dependency and paint something coloured, a whole new world opens up! Neutrals are safe, but who wants to be safe forever? Once in a while, you are going to want to break free and dabble in colour and find out what you really like. Dare to be a little more out there and I guarantee you will be surprised how good it looks in amongst what you already treasure. Paint something small to start with...

Here are some tips from Annie...
Choose a colour that's already in the room - like a yellow flower in the picture on the wall or pillow. That way it will work with the rest of the room. The quality of light in the room can also influence the colour and how it will appear - you may have to make it lighter or darker. Paint in daylight if you can as artificial light can alter the colour.
Annie has a colour wheel she created from the colours that she created. (The wheel is actually a triangle :)

The colour wheel...triangle... is a useful guide to help you see how colours complement each other, or clash - even clashing can be great - the bohemian look is all about clashing. Finding a colour's complementary colour is simply a case of looking at the other side of the wheel - its opposite, while clashing colours are adjacent to each other; see photo below. This is a good example of the Boho style where clashing colours really work.  Annie's book,  Colour Recipes for Painted Furniture - 40 step-by-step projects to transform your home (in stock at present) is all about her colour wheel and how amazing painting can be if you learn how to use colours together, or mix them, lighten them etc. It's a brilliant beginners book with lots of information about fabric dyeing, gilding, sanding and painting techniques using Chalk Paint.
Everybody has a different idea of what they like - some people like bold colours, others like soft, pale colours like summer. When you are decorating a space, what is in the room, the atmosphere you want to create and who will be using the room are all considerations. If you want to mix your own colour you can easily learn how to mix colours. This is a little video Annie made to help you begin - I love the way she uses her fingers!
Annie has LOTS of videos full of simple ideas and tricks to help you achieve the look you're after.

I hope this has inspired you to try something a little out of your comfort zone, or for those already jumping off, more ideas for your next project.
Happy painting!

(...and see you soon!)
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